Exhibition in Barcelona in December 2023 as a winner of 19th Pollux Award with 3 series : Lelo, Muay Thai Kids and Turkish Oil Wrestling
Exhibition of the series Brussels Cafe during Headon festival at Bondi Beach in Nov-Dec 2023, Sydney, Australia
Exhibition in August-September 2023 in Helsinki, Finland, during Helsinki Photo Festival based
on the theme Courage with the series Muay Thai Kids
Exhibition in South Italy (Matino - Lecce) @ Yeast Photo Festival with the series Grandma Divers, 29 Sept - 12 Nov, 2023

Solo exhibition in Athens at the Blank Wall Gallery, September 8-20, 2023
Projection à Visa pour l'Image à Perpignan en septembre 2023 du sujet sur les menaces pesant sur les orangs-outans suite au prix Yves Rocher gagné en 2022
2023 Felix Schoeller Photo Award, 1st place in the category Photojournalism with the series Muay Thai Kids.
Ceremony award and exhibition at the Museumsquartier in Osnabrück, June 2023.
Exposition de groupe à La Gacilly (France) du 1 er juin au 31 octobre 2023 avec la série Saving Orangutans.
Les photographes ;
Yasuyoshi Chiba, David Turnley, Pascal Maitre, Nadia Ferroukhi, Beth Moon, Brent Stirton, Sebatiao Salgado,
Vee Speers, Nazli Abbaspour, Joana Choumali, Peter Turnley, Sacha Goldberger, Luca Locatelli, Cassio Vasconcellos,
Evgenia Arbugaeva, Lucas Lenci, Lorraine Turci, David Doubilet, Maxime Riché.
photo JM NIRON
Présentation de l'expo en compagnie de Cyril Drouhet - photo JM NIRON
Visite guidée - photo JM NIRON
Jacques Rocher-Cyril Drouhet-Alain Schroeder
Journée des enfants
Visite guidée - photo JM NIRON
Expo de Sebastiao Salgado
Alain Schroeder et Brent Stirton
Cyril Drouhet présentant David Doubilet
Expo de Nadia Ferroukhi
Expo de Yasuyoshi Chiba
Brent Stirton présentant son expo
Expo de Beth Moon
Cyril Drouhet présentant David Turnley
Expo de David Doubilet dans le village
Expo de Pascal Maitre
Jacques Rocher et Alain Schroeder
Plantation d'un arbre
Visite guidée
Signature du catalogue
photo JM NIRON
Montage du grand format - photo JM NIRON
photo JM NIRON
photo JM NIRON
photo JM NIRON
Présentation de l'expo en compagnie de Cyril Drought - photo JM NIRON
Journée des enfants ; photo JM NIRON
photo JM NIRON
Visite guidée - photo JM NIRON
Exhibition of Ocean Visuals at the Sydney Opera House with a free exhibition along the Western Broadwalk from 29 March - 7 April 2023.
My picture in red shows planting shrubs and coral blocks to prevent erosion of the beach, in Indonesia, West Papua Province, Raja Ampat, Arborek Island,
The Togean islands are the home to the Bajo (Bajau), sea-faring natives of Southeast Asia who settled here in the 1800a. Living in wooden villages constructed on stilts in the ocean, these sea gypsies have earned their living as fishermen, using virtually no modern technology, for centuries. Today, global warming, industrial fishing, and marine habitat destruction have depleted the oceans and the Bajo can no longer provide for their families. There are also many factors threatening the long term viability of this area including, beach erosion, mangrove depletion and waste management .
The exhibition showcases 32 images from the Ocean Visuals collection, which was generated through a global call in partnership with Communications Inc. The full collection of 93 images, available on Climate Visuals website, provides visual stories of climate change causes, impacts, solutions, resilience and justice.
The exhibition showcases 32 images from the Ocean Visuals collection, which was generated through a global call in partnership with Communications Inc. The full collection of 93 images, available on Climate Visuals website, provides visual stories of climate change causes, impacts, solutions, resilience and justice.
Visitors are invited on a visual journey into the critical - but often poorly understood - connections between climate change & oceans.

2023 PHOTO IS:RAEL's 10th International Photography Festival in Eilat with the series Muay Thai Kids
2023 BarTur exhibition in Berlin Feb. 9. – 19, at f3 gallery, with the Muay Thai Kids
© BarTur
© Lukas Friedrich
© Lukas Friedrich
© Lukas Friedrich
© BarTur
© BarTur
© BarTur
2023, story of Muay Thai Kids in National Geographic Holland-Belgium, 02-2023
2023 Helsinki Photo Festival celebrates its fifth anniversary and the retrospective exhibition of the festival presents all the themes displayed from 2018 to 2022. HELPHOTO Retrospective at West Terminal 1 until February 28, 2023, with the series Saving Orangutans.
The exhibition takes place in Helsinki’s iconic Länsiterminaali 1, in the now-decommissioned ferry passenger terminal which was used for decades for travels between Finland and Estonia, www.helsinkiphotofestival.com
2023, exposition à Nice au Musée des Arts Asiatiques de la série Kid Jockeys du 25 Janvier au 30 Avril 2023

Sharjah, Feb 2023, Xposure, group exhibition Travel Photographer of the Year (TPOTY) with pictures from 2021 and 2022